faq support

Blank Theme
Blank Theme
Onglet 1
Image : faq support Vmf6Po6D_o
Posts : 33
Join date : 2020-12-18
Onglet 2


Tech support

As they say: there's no stupid questions! Any concerns that you may have regarding the Blank Theme, either practical or technical in nature, can be asked here. Don't hesitate to leave feedback and suggestions, it's always appreciated.  ♥

If I'm taking too long to get back to you, don't hesitate to swing by the contact page on my Tumblr.

Don't forget
⎯ to be clear and precise in your question
⎯ to complement your query with links, images or other visual supports (links are allowed)
⎯to notify us when your problem is solved and to thank whoever helped!

Please start a new thread for your question!
You can help anyone who needed if you have the answer.
Blank Theme
Blank Theme
Onglet 1
Image : faq support Vmf6Po6D_o
Posts : 33
Join date : 2020-12-18
Onglet 2


English Q&A

Frequently asked question

Why doesn't script X or Y work?
If many JS features don't seem to be working, make sure that the "enable Javascript code management" option is set to Yes.

Most tutorials (like those available on Forumactif's main forum) are created for the base Forumactif theme. The Blank Theme being entirely customised, it's possible that these tutorials won't work. Most of the time, you need to modify the .class or the HTML tag that target the concerned element.

Il est également possible que vous ayez modifié une .class ou une balise HTML du Blank Theme et qu'un script ne fonctionne plus. Assurez-vous donc de changer les scripts concernés en suivant les tutoriels de leur créateurs.

Why doesn't the last registered user's avatar appear?
For this to work, you must:
⎯ activate scripts (see the question above)
⎯ activate the simple profile: Users & Groups › Profiles › General options › Activate advanced profile: No
⎯ make sure the last registered user has an avatar

Why doesn't the avatar in the toolbar appear on all pages?
Make sure the script called « Avatar on the toolbar » is activated on all pages.

How do I move/delete X element?
Explore the templates! The code may look impressive at first glance, but all templates have been modified to be easy to navigate. Chances are what you're looking for is annotated, like such: <!-- NOM DE L'ELEMENT -->

How to code the chatbox ?
The chatbox is not supported in the Blank Theme. You can find the base code in the link "See your forum's basic CSS" in the options of the CSS page or copy directly the following code :

Code Chatbox: